What does facial skin need?

Who doesn’t want to have healthy and clean facial skin? Every woman wants to be able to look beautiful and attractive with healthy and well-groomed facial skin. And, to get it, you need to meet the five things that your skin most needs every day.

Here are five important things that your facial skin needs the most every day. As reported by Bellasugar.com, with these five things, your facial skin can get everything it needs.


Want to have glowing skin from within? Pay attention to the food and drinks you consume. A number of anti-oxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E can make your skin glow from within. In addition, eating foods that contain anti-oxidants can also help reduce the symptoms of premature aging. Make sure you eat enough fruits and green vegetables every day

  • Massage

Exfoliating every day can be quite risky for your skin health. So that blood circulation can be smooth, do a simple massage. Every time you use cosmetic or facial care products, apply or apply with a light massage and circular motions. Just do a massage on the face for one minute so that blood circulation can be smooth.

  • Use Moisturizer

To restore moisture to the face, use moisturizer regularly. The moisturizer you use can be a moisturizing cream, oil, or lotion.

  • Drink enough water

Although drinking water can’t instantly make your skin look fresh in an instant, a lack of water will make your skin dull. In addition to meeting the intake of sufficient water, use water and facial cleanser (cleanser) together to remove dust and dirt.

  • Use Sunscreen

Your skin needs extra protection from the sun every day. Use a sunscreen with SPF 30 to protect your skin area from harmful UV rays.

A well-groomed face every day will make your appearance always perfect and fresh. Get your healthier skin with a fresh look now!

Habits that are prohibited while taking care of the face

  • Don’t squeeze the pimple

Acne does make hands tempted to squeeze and remove the contents. But never do this. Why? Popping a pimple can allow dirt or germs from your hands, and even the contents of the pimple to penetrate further into the skin. This is what often causes acne to become infected.

Popping pimples can cause swelling, redness, bleeding sores, and even pockmarks. If you have acne, you should give acne medication that can be purchased at a pharmacy or with a doctor’s prescription.

  • Don’t touch your face with your hands often

Avoid touching your face directly with your hands. Without realizing it, this can make the germs on your hands move to your face and make skin problems worse.

Touching your face with your dirty hands can spread bacteria that cause pores to become inflamed and irritated. To prevent bacteria from transferring, always wash your hands when you have to touch your face.

Human healthy skin type

Healthy skin types consist of normal, oily, dry, and combination skin. There are also acne-prone and sensitive skin types, but these two types are usually influenced by various factors, including certain medical conditions in the structure of human skin.

Here are the characteristics of each healthy skin type and how to recognize them.

  1. Normal skin

Normal skin is neither too dry nor too oily. This skin type has sufficient moisture and elasticity because the skin’s natural oils are evenly distributed, but the oil production is not excessive so the skin does not look shiny.

Normal skin has few skin problems or sometimes none at all. The skin does not look dull, has an even distribution of color, and the pores are not too large. This skin type is also not easily irritated.

Uniquely, not many people believe that their skin is normal type. Maybe this is because every owner of normal skin can show different reactions to skin care, age, or other factors.

  • 2. Oily skin

Oily skin is caused by high sebum production. Sebum is a natural oil that protects and maintains skin softness. Oily skin can get worse due to hormonal changes, increasing age, and others.

Owners of oily skin type usually have problems with large pores, acne, blackheads, and similar problems that cause colored patches on the skin. Almost all parts of the face look shiny due to excess oil.

If left untreated, large pores can become clogged and cause breakouts. Owners of oily skin are advised to wash their face twice a day, avoid scrub cleansers, and choose skin care products labeled non-comedogenic.

  • 3. Dry skin

Dry skin is usually caused by external factors such as dry air, prolonged bathing habits, and exposure to chemicals in skin cleaning products. This type of skin can also be owned by people who experience hormonal changes or begin to age.

The characteristics of dry skin are very small pores, the presence of reddish patches, and the appearance of the skin that tends to be dull. Dry skin usually also feels tight, has more visible lines, and is easily itchy and irritated.

Very dry skin can become rough, cracked, and scaly, especially on the back of the hands and feet. Untreated dry skin can become inflamed and even develop into eczema.

  • 4. Combination skin

Combination skin is a combination of several skin types and is the most common skin type. Its characteristic is that certain areas of the skin feel oily, while other areas are normal, dry, or even sensitive.

The part of the skin that is usually oily is the T-Zone which consists of the forehead, nose, and chin. Meanwhile, dry skin areas are around the eyes and mouth. Cheeks can be dry or oily, depending on how much sebum is being produced.

Owners of combination skin also face the same problem with oily skin, namely large pores, blackheads, and skin that looks shiny. However, your acne problem may not be as severe as if you have oily skin.

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